For optimal cultivation of sage it is important to remember that this plant loves the heat and the sun. If you provide it with drained soil, sun and heat, the plant will grow beautiful and thick.
Even if the adult plant bears frost, it is good practice to lean it against a wall or plant it near a hedge that protects it from the most intense frosts.
If you want to collect its fragrant leaves even during the winter, if in your area the winter is long and the temperatures drop a lot, cultivate the sage in a pot that will then be collected in an airy and bright room during the bad season .
It does not like soils that are too hard or heavy that do not drain water well because it is sensitive to root rot.
Growing up it can become woody and disordered.
This aromatic is considered a panacea for a large number of disorders.
Having bactericidal properties is indicated for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases such as coughs, colds and throat irritations.
Moreover this beneficial aromatic is able to relieve painful menstrual syndromes and menopausal disorders, in particular those hot flashes called “caldane”.
For external use it is excellent as a cicatrizant, in regard to dermatoses, ulcers and sores.
The sage leaves rubbed on the teeth were an ancient remedy to whiten and clean them.
In addition, the sage, having balsamic properties, keeps the breath fresh and eliminates bad smells from the mouth.
Bathing in a tub by putting a couple of handfuls of sage leaves in the water helps to rejuvenate the skin.
Complementary: lemon, winter spices.
Properties: digestive, balsamic, aromatic (leave a few leaves in contact with the butter to have interesting nuances of taste), anti-septic anti-inflammatory.
Recipes: vegetable ravioli, boiled meat, roasts, hamburgers.
Pairings: red and white meats, cheeses, fried fish, baked apples
In cosmetics, sage extracts are used for purifying, stimulating and firming action, so they can be found in products for the care of oily hair, oily and impure skin and relaxed skin.